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Planning Application: 6/2020/1828/FULL


Decided - Refused

Mr David Elmore

73 Pine Grove Hatfield AL9 7BL

Erection of 2 x three storey semi-detached houses following demolition of existing detached bungalow. Revision of planning permission 6/2018/0215/FULL



  • Brookmans Park & Little Heath

  • Councillor Jonathan Boulton
  • Councillor Rebecca Lass
  • Councillor Mark Short

North Mymms


Mr S Barker

c/o The Agent

33 Bancroft Hitchin SG5 1LA

33 Bancroft Hitchin SG5 1LA
Description Distance
Green Belt 11.52
Parish 0.00
Rights of Way 27.76
Hertfordshire Ecological Network 0.00
Sand and Gravel Belt 0.00



If any documents do not appear to be shown below, please email including the case number. We will endeavour to publish any missing items within 10 working days.

To download a selection of individual documents place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all of the documents place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all of the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files. To view individual documents click on the File for the required row.

Select All File Description Date Uploaded
Application Form - Without Personal Information
ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf (165 kb) Applicationformredacted 24/07/2020
Block Plan
73PG-10 - Proposed Site Layout - Rev F.pdf (300 kb) Proposed Site Plan 24/07/2020
73PG-02 -Existing Front + Rear Elevations - Rev A.pdf (153 kb) Existing Front and Rear Elevations 24/07/2020
73PG-03 - Existing Side Elevations - Rev A.pdf (152 kb) Existing Side Elevations 24/07/2020
73PG-08 - Proposed + Existing Street Elevations - Rev D.pdf (170 kb) Proposed and Existing Street Elevations 24/07/2020
Floor Plans
73PG-01 -Existing Floor Plan - Rev -.pdf (149 kb) Existing Floor Plan 24/07/2020
73PG-05 - Proposed 1st Floor Plans - Rev C.pdf (186 kb) Proposed 1st Floor Plans 24/07/2020
73PG-06 - Proposed 2nd Floor Plans - Rev D.pdf (189 kb) Proposed 2nd Floor Plans 24/07/2020
73PG-04 Rev B.pdf (522 kb) Proposed Ground Floor Plans 04/08/2020
Landscape Plans
73PG-14 - Proposed Landscape Plan - Rev D.pdf (736 kb) Proposed Landscape Plan 24/07/2020
73PG-12 - Block Site Plan - Rev A.pdf (687 kb) Location Plan 24/07/2020
73PG-50 - Existing Site Survey.pdf (196 kb) Existing Site Survey 24/07/2020
73PG-07 - Proposed Elevations + Sections - Rev D.pdf (282 kb) Proposed Elevations and Sections 24/07/2020
73PG-13 - Existing Site Layout - Rev C.pdf (230 kb) Existing Site Layout 24/07/2020
73PG-48 - Crown Roof Details - Rev A.pdf (292 kb) Crown Roof Details 24/07/2020
Design & Access Statement
Design Access Statement (73 Pine Grove) January 18.docx (1339 kb) Design & Access Statement 24/07/2020
Consultee Response
Comments.pdf (76 kb) Comment - Client Services 10/08/2020
Comments(1).pdf (74 kb) Comment - Parking Services 13/08/2020
Comments(2).pdf (74 kb) Comment 2 - Parking Services 19/08/2020
Comments(3).pdf (74 kb) Comment - North Mymms Parish Council 20/08/2020
Response_6-2020-1828-FULL.pdf (85 kb) Comment - Hertfordshire Council Transport Programmes and Strategy 25/08/2020
Response_6-2020-1828-FULL(1).pdf (76 kb) Comments - HCC Transport 23/09/2020
FW Comments for application 620201828FULL.pdf (12 kb) Comment - WHBC Landscaping 28/09/2020
Neighbour Representation - Without Personal Information
New Proposed Plans.pdf (630 kb) New Proposed Plans 24/08/2020
Original Plans.pdf (467 kb) Original approved plans 24/08/2020
71 Pine Grove, Hatfield, AL9 7BL Objection 24-08-2020-Redacted.pdf (79 kb) Objection - 71 Pine Grove Hatfield - Redacted 24/08/2020
77 Pine Grove, Hatfield, AL9 7BL Objection 26-08-2020-Redacted.pdf (75 kb) Objection - 77 Pine Grove - Redacted 26/08/2020
AJA letter to Planning Authority 21 Aug 2020_Redacted.pdf (322 kb) Objection - 75 Pine Grove - Redacted 21/08/2020
Illustration sheet (Figs 1 to 11 inclusive).._Redacted.pdf (5449 kb) Illustration sheet - 75 Pine Grove - Attachment - Redacted 21/08/2020
Decision Notice PDF
Decision Notice_620201828FULL.pdf (20 kb) Decision Notice PDF 29/09/2020
Officer Report PDF
Delegated Report_620201828FULL(1).pdf (350 kb) Officer Report 29/09/2020
20046_02_Redacted.pdf (98 kb) Covering letter from Barker Parry Redacted 18/09/2020
Sustainability Report January 18.pdf (123 kb) Sustainability Report 24/07/2020
Roof Plans
73PG-11 -Proposed Roof Plan - Rev H.pdf (312 kb) Proposed Roof Plan 24/07/2020
Site Plan
73PG-49 - Dropped Kerb - Rev A.pdf (213 kb) Site Plan Dropped Kerb 16/09/2020
Superseded Plans
73PG-04 - Proposed Ground Floor Plans - Rev B.pdf (268 kb) Proposed Ground Floor Plans 24/07/2020
Supporting Information
73PG-09 -3D Street Scene Visualisations - Rev B.pdf (643 kb) 3D Street Scene Visualisations 24/07/2020
Organisation Name Sent Reply Due Reply Received
North Mymms Parish Council Christine Wootton 05/08/2020 26/08/2020 20/08/2020
North Mymms Parish Council Christine Wootton 29/09/2020
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor John Dean 29/09/2020
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor John Dean 05/08/2020 26/08/2020
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Jonathan Boulton 05/08/2020 26/08/2020
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Jonathan Boulton 29/09/2020
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Stephen Boulton 29/09/2020
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Stephen Boulton 05/08/2020 26/08/2020
Hertfordshire County Council Hertfordshire Transport Programmes & Strategy 29/09/2020
Hertfordshire County Council Hertfordshire Transport Programmes & Strategy 16/09/2020 26/09/2020 18/09/2020
Hertfordshire County Council Hertfordshire Transport Programmes & Strategy 05/08/2020 26/08/2020 21/08/2020
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Landscapes Department 05/08/2020 26/08/2020 28/09/2020
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Landscapes Department 29/09/2020
WHBC - Client Services Lorraine Davis 05/08/2020 26/08/2020 10/08/2020
WHBC - Client Services Lorraine Davis 29/09/2020
Hertfordshire Ecology Martin Hicks 05/08/2020 26/08/2020
Hertfordshire Ecology Martin Hicks 29/09/2020
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Parking Services 29/09/2020
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Parking Services 05/08/2020 26/08/2020 19/08/2020
Address Date Sent Expiry Date Date Reconsulted Reconsult Expiry Date
75 Pine Grove Brookmans Park Hatfield AL9 7BL 05/08/2020 26/08/2020
71 Pine Grove Brookmans Park Hatfield AL9 7BL 05/08/2020 26/08/2020
8 The Drive Brookmans Park Hatfield AL9 7BD 05/08/2020 26/08/2020
82 Pine Grove Brookmans Park Hatfield AL9 7BW 05/08/2020 26/08/2020
84 Pine Grove Brookmans Park Hatfield AL9 7BW 05/08/2020 26/08/2020
86 Pine Grove Brookmans Park Hatfield AL9 7BW 05/08/2020 26/08/2020
71 Pine Grove Hatfield AL9 7BL
77 Pine Grove Hatfield AL9 7BL
Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2022/1252/LAWP Certificate of Lawfulness for the erection of an outbuilding to accommodate a swimming pool Refused 0
6/2021/2873/HOUSE Alterations to front boundary to create new masonry wall and railings with electric gates Refused 0
6/2020/2857/FULL Erection of 2 x three storey semi-detached houses following demolition of existing detached bungalow; re-submitted revision of Planning Approval 6/2018/0215/FULL to regularise siting relative to neighbours as begun to be built. Granted 0
6/2019/0700/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 1 ( Materials) , 2 (Landscaping), 3 ( Tree Protection Plan), 5 (Crown Roof Details) on planning permission 6/2018/0215/FULL Granted
6/2018/0215/FULL Erection of 2x three storey semi-detached houses following demolition of existing detached bungalow. Granted
S6/1993/0671/FP Single storey rear extension Granted

There are no NMAs associated with this application