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Planning Application: 6/2017/1369/LB


Decided - Refused

Mrs Sarah Madyausiku

1, 3 and 5 Park Street Hatfield AL9 5AT

Change of use of the existing grade 2 listed building from B1 office to 4 no. residential flats (C3) with associated internal and external alterations



  • Hatfield East

  • Councillor Larry Crofton
  • Councillor Cathy Watson
  • Councillor Shirley Asare



Mr A Goodman

Mr E Flynn

5 Parliament Square Hertford SG14 1EX

Amersfort Hall The Common Potten End HP4 2QF
Description Distance
Conservation Area 0.00
Listed Buildings Combined 16.03
Listed Buildings Combined 35.25
Listed Buildings Combined 39.10
Listed Buildings Combined 6.53
Listed Buildings Combined 5.90
Listed Buildings Combined 16.25
Listed Buildings Combined 25.08
Listed Buildings Combined 35.05
Listed Buildings Combined 44.10
Listed Buildings Combined 0.00
Listed Buildings Combined 14.24
Listed Buildings Combined 9.04
Area of Archaeological Significance 0.00
Parish 0.00
Rights of Way 38.14
Rights of Way 38.48
Article 4 Direction Misc (inc Walls, Gates, Gardens) 0.00
Cycle Paths 2.46
Cycle Paths 2.46
Cycle Paths 2.46
Flood Zone Surface Water 100mm 0.00
Flood Zone Surface Water 1000mm 0.00
Hertfordshire Ecological Network 0.00



If any documents do not appear to be shown below, please email including the case number. We will endeavour to publish any missing items within 10 working days.

To download a selection of individual documents place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all of the documents place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all of the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files. To view individual documents click on the File for the required row.

Select All File Description Date Uploaded
Application Form - Without Personal Information
ApplicationFormNoPersonalData.pdf (123 kb) Applicationformnopersonaldata 26/06/2017
Elevation and Floor Plans
16_372 L 002_C-Proposed site plan.pdf (169 kb) Proposed Site Plan 26/06/2017
16_372 L 010_C-Proposed basement plan.pdf (86 kb) Proposed Basement Plan 26/06/2017
16_372 L 012_B-Proposed 1F plan.pdf (107 kb) Proposed First Floor Plan 26/06/2017
16_372 L 013_B-Proposed roof plan.pdf (66 kb) Proposed Roof Plan 26/06/2017
16_372 L 015_C-Proposed elevs 3_4_5.pdf (161 kb) Proposed Elevations 3 4 5 26/06/2017
16_372 L 017_C-Proposed elevs 1_2 demolitions.pdf (110 kb) Proposed Elevations 1 2 26/06/2017
16_372 L 018_B-Proposed elevs 3_4_5 demolitions.pdf (98 kb) Proposed Elevations 3 4 5 26/06/2017
16_372 L 020_C-Proposed basement demolitions.pdf (89 kb) Proposed Basement Demolitions 26/06/2017
16_372 L 021_C-Proposed GF demolitions.pdf (127 kb) Proposed Ground Floor Demolitions 26/06/2017
16_372 L 022_C-Proposed 1F demolitions.pdf (94 kb) Proposed First Floor Demolitions 26/06/2017
16_372 L 030_C-Proposed basement ceiling treatment.pdf (106 kb) Proposed Basement Ceiling Treatment 26/06/2017
16_372 L 031_C-Proposed GF treatment.pdf (462 kb) Proposed Ground Floor Treatment 26/06/2017
16_372 L 032_C-Proposed 1F treatment.pdf (410 kb) Proposed First Floor Treatment 26/06/2017
16_372 L 033_C-Proposed 1F ceiling treatment.pdf (201 kb) Proposed First Floor Ceiling Treatment 26/06/2017
16_372 L 011_D-Proposed GF plan.pdf (138 kb) Proposed Ground Floor Plan 07/12/2017
16_372 L 014_D-Proposed elevs 1+2.pdf (195 kb) Proposed Elevations 1+2 07/12/2017
16_372 L 019_C-Proposed elevs 6_7 demolitions.pdf (99 kb) Proposed Elevations 6_7 demolitions 20/12/2017
16_372 L 016_D-Proposed elevs 6_7.pdf (156 kb) Proposed Elevations 6_7 20/12/2017
Location Plan
16_372 L 001_A-Location plan.pdf (54 kb) Location Plan 26/06/2017
135PS_Existing basement plan.pdf (256 kb) Existing Basement Plan 26/06/2017
135PS_Existing ground floor plan.pdf (956 kb) Existing Ground Floor Plan 26/06/2017
135PS_Existing first floor plan.pdf (420 kb) Existing First Floor Plan 26/06/2017
135PS_Existing roof plan.pdf (276 kb) Existing Roof Plan 26/06/2017
135PS_Existing elevation 1.pdf (279 kb) Existing Elevation 1 26/06/2017
135PS_Existing elevations 2_3.pdf (245 kb) Existing Elevations 2 3 26/06/2017
135PS_Existing elevations 4_5.pdf (258 kb) Existing Elevations 4 5 26/06/2017
135PS_E4_A-Existing elevations 6+7.pdf (52 kb) Existing Elevations 6+7 20/12/2017
Design & Access Statement
16_372 DAS_21Jun17_lo-res.pdf (354 kb) 16 372 Das 21jun17 Lo Res 26/06/2017
Consultee Response
6-2017-1368 & 1369 -1.pdf (16 kb) Comments - Historic Environment Advisor 14/07/2017
A Robley.pdf (441 kb) Comments - Conservation WHBC 30/08/2017
Decision Notice PDF
Decision Notice_620171369LB.pdf (136 kb) Decision Notice PDF 19/01/2018
Officer Report PDF
Delegated Report_620171369LB(2).pdf (37 kb) Officer Report 19/01/2018
Site Notice
Site Notice_620171369LB.pdf (86 kb) Site Notice 01/08/2017
Site Notice_620171369LB(1).pdf (88 kb) Site Notice 21/12/2017
Superseded Plans
135PS_Existing elevations 6_7.pdf (236 kb) Existing Elevations 6 7 26/06/2017
16_372 L 011_C-Proposed GF plan.pdf (130 kb) Proposed Ground Floor Plan 26/06/2017
16_372 L 014_C-Proposed elevs 1_2.pdf (189 kb) Proposed Elevations 1 2 26/06/2017
16_372 L 016_C-Proposed elevs 6_7.pdf (143 kb) Proposed Elevations 6 7 26/06/2017
16_372 L 019_B-Proposed elevs 6_7 demolitions.pdf (89 kb) Proposed Elevations 6 7 26/06/2017
Organisation Name Sent Reply Due Reply Received
WHBC - Conservation Andrew Robley 29/06/2017 20/07/2017 11/08/2017
WHBC - Conservation Andrew Robley 19/01/2018
The Council for British Archaeology Carol Barrowclough 29/06/2017 20/07/2017
The Council for British Archaeology Carol Barrowclough 19/01/2018
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Caroline Gillett 29/06/2017 20/07/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Caroline Gillett 19/01/2018
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Kerstin Holman 19/01/2018
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Kerstin Holman 29/06/2017 20/07/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Lenny Brandon 29/06/2017 20/07/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Lenny Brandon 19/01/2018
Place Services, Essex County Council Hannah Rae 07/11/2017 28/11/2017
Place Services, Essex County Council Hannah Rae 19/01/2018
Hertfordshire County Council Historic Environment Advisor 29/06/2017 20/07/2017 13/07/2017
Hertfordshire County Council Historic Environment Advisor 19/01/2018
Hatfield Town Council Jonah Anthony 29/06/2017 20/07/2017
Hatfield Town Council Jonah Anthony 19/01/2018
Address Date Sent Expiry Date Date Reconsulted Reconsult Expiry Date
Former Top Flat 1A The Broadway Hatfield AL9 5BG 29/06/2017 20/07/2017
1A The Broadway Hatfield AL9 5BG 29/06/2017 20/07/2017
23 Fore Street Hatfield AL9 5AN 29/06/2017 20/07/2017
4 Park Street Hatfield AL9 5AX 29/06/2017 20/07/2017
6 Park Street Hatfield AL9 5AX 29/06/2017 20/07/2017
10 Park Street Hatfield AL9 5AX 29/06/2017 20/07/2017
Eight Bells 2 Park Street Hatfield AL9 5AX 29/06/2017 20/07/2017
Flat Broadway House The Broadway Hatfield AL9 5BG 29/06/2017 20/07/2017
3 The Broadway Hatfield AL9 5BG 29/06/2017 20/07/2017
5 The Broadway Hatfield AL9 5BG 29/06/2017 20/07/2017
Flat 23 Fore Street Hatfield AL9 5AN 29/06/2017 20/07/2017
The White House 1 The Broadway Hatfield AL9 5BG 29/06/2017 20/07/2017
Top Flat 1A The Broadway Hatfield AL9 5BG 29/06/2017 20/07/2017
8- Salisbury Square Hatfield AL9 5AD 29/06/2017 20/07/2017
Willow House 18 Salisbury Square Hatfield AL9 5BE 29/06/2017 20/07/2017
Salisbury Square Hatfield AL9 5AD 29/06/2017 20/07/2017
Second Floor 8- Salisbury Square Hatfield AL9 5AD 29/06/2017 20/07/2017
Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2024/1758/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition number 10 (Samples of materials) on planning permission 6/2021/3422/MAJ Granted 0
6/2024/1505/COND Submission of details pursuant of Condition 11 (Refuse & Recycling) 14 (EV Charging Facilities) 16 (Fire Hydrants) and 17 (Accessible and Adaptable Homes) on planning permission 6/2021/3422/MAJ Granted 0
6/2023/1620/FULL Retention of extra partition in flat and waterproofing works to the basement Withdrawn 0
6/2023/1621/LB Installation of partition in flat and waterproofing to basement (retrospective) Refused 0
6/2020/1027/FULL Installation of internal wall and doorway Withdrawn 0
6/2020/1028/LB Installation of internal wall and doorway Granted 0
6/2020/0317/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 1 (details of the new windows, doors and the shopfront at a scale of 1:1 to 1:20 (as appropriate) on Listed Building Consent 6/2018/2498/LB Granted 0
6/2019/2676/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 2 (windows, doors and shopfront) 3 (bicycle parking) and 4 (bin details) on planning permission 6/2018/2497/FULL Granted 0
6/2019/2677/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 2 (structural interventions) on listed building consent 6/2018/2498/LB Granted 0
6/2019/2469/COND Submission of details pursuant to condition 1 (Archaeology) on planning permission 6/2018/2497/FULL Granted 0
6/2018/2497/FULL Change of use of the existing grade 2 listed building from office (B1) to 4 x residential flats (C3) with associated internal and external alterations Granted 0
6/2018/2498/LB Internal and external alterations in connection with the change of use of the existing grade 2 listed building from office (B1) to 4 x residential flats (C3) Granted 0
S6/2013/1785/FP Change of use from existing B1 (Office) to four residential flats with retention of class A1 (Retail) on part ground floor, with associated internal and external alterations Withdrawn
S6/2013/1787/LB Change of use from existing B1 (Office) to four residential flats with retention of class A1 (Retail) on part ground floor, with associated internal and external alterations Withdrawn
S6/1991/0273/FP Replacement door and windows to front elevation Granted
S6/1991/0271/LB Internal alterations and installation of new door and window in front elevation Granted
S6/1990/0724/FP Change of use of part of ground floor from retail (Class A1) to financial and professional services (Class A2) Granted

There are no NMAs associated with this application