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Planning Application: 6/2017/0430/LAWE


Decided - Refused

Mr S Dicocco

The Warren, 8 Carbone Hill Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4PL

Certificate of lawfulness for existing outbuilding to be ancillary to the existing dwelling



  • Northaw and Cuffley

  • Councillor Bernard Sarson
  • Councillor George Michaelides
  • Councillor Barbara Fitzsimon

Northaw and Cuffley


Mr P Symonds

Mr I Cooper

2 The Coach House Corneybury Farm Ermine Street Buntingford SG9 9RS

The Warren 8 Carbone Hill Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4PL
Description Distance
Green Belt 0.00
Landscape Character Area 0.00
Landscape Character Area 0.00
Parish 0.00



If any documents do not appear to be shown below, please email including the case number. We will endeavour to publish any missing items within 10 working days.

To download a selection of individual documents place a tick alongside each of the relevant rows and then click on Download selected files. To download all of the documents place a tick in the box alongside the header row and all of the files will be selected, then click on Download selected files. To view individual documents click on the File for the required row.

Select All File Description Date Uploaded
Application Form - Without Personal Information
ApplicationFormNoPersonalData.pdf (104 kb) Application Form - Without Personal Data 06/03/2017
Block Plan
29672732.SP5A - Block Plan.pdf (268 kb) Block Plan 24/04/2017
Elevation and Floor Plans
29671732.PD10A - Proposed Plans and Elevations.pdf (1323 kb) Proposed Plans & Elevations 24/04/2017
Location Plan
29670732.LP2A - Location Plan.pdf (151 kb) Location Plan 24/04/2017
Consultee Response
Email-FW 6 2017 0430 LAWE 8 Carbone Hill Northaw.msg (50 kb) Comments - Northaw & Cuffley Parish Council 31/03/2017
Neighbour Representation - Without Personal Information
Comments.htm (4 kb) Objection - Northaw and Cuffley Residents Association 24/03/2017
plan_sge_05-04-2017_10-04-08(1)(1).pdf (809 kb) Comments - 14 Carbone Hill.pdf - Redacted 05/04/2017
Decision Notice PDF
Decision Notice_620170430LAWE.pdf (129 kb) Decision Notice PDF 17/05/2017
Officer Report PDF
Delegated Report_620170430LAWE(1).pdf (25 kb) Delegated Report 17/05/2017
WHC Saunders 3Mar17.pdf (3943 kb) Planning Statement 08/03/2017
Superseded Plans
732 SP5 Site Plan(1).pdf (211 kb) Block Plan 06/03/2017
732 LP2 Location Plan(1).pdf (117 kb) The location Plan 06/03/2017
732 PD 10 Proposed Outbuilding 070317.pdf (901 kb) Proposed Plans & Elevations 16/03/2017
Organisation Name Sent Reply Due Reply Received
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Bernard Sarson 14/03/2017 04/04/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Bernard Sarson 17/03/2017 27/03/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Bernard Sarson 17/05/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor George Michaelides 17/05/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor George Michaelides 17/03/2017 27/03/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor George Michaelides 14/03/2017 04/04/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Irene Dean 14/03/2017 04/04/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Irene Dean 17/03/2017 27/03/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Irene Dean 17/05/2017
Northaw & Cuffley Parish Council The Clerk 14/03/2017 04/04/2017
Northaw & Cuffley Parish Council The Clerk 17/05/2017
Northaw & Cuffley Parish Council The Clerk 17/03/2017 27/03/2017 30/03/2017
Address Date Sent Expiry Date Date Reconsulted Reconsult Expiry Date
Northaw and Cuffley Residents Association 20 The Meadway Cuffley EN6 4ES 25/03/2017
1 Carbone Hill Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4PJ 14/03/2017 04/04/2017 17/03/2017 27/03/2017
2 Carbone Hill Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4PL 14/03/2017 04/04/2017 17/03/2017 27/03/2017
3 Carbone Hill Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4PJ 14/03/2017 04/04/2017 17/03/2017 27/03/2017
5 Carbone Hill Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4PJ 14/03/2017 04/04/2017 17/03/2017 27/03/2017
11 Carbone Hill Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4PJ 14/03/2017 04/04/2017 17/03/2017 27/03/2017
14 Carbone Hill Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4PL 14/03/2017 04/04/2017 17/03/2017 27/03/2017
15 Carbone Hill Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4PJ 14/03/2017 04/04/2017 17/03/2017 27/03/2017
16 Carbone Hill Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4PL 14/03/2017 04/04/2017 17/03/2017 27/03/2017
17 Carbone Hill Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4PJ 14/03/2017 04/04/2017 17/03/2017 27/03/2017
19 Carbone Hill Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4PJ 14/03/2017 04/04/2017 17/03/2017 27/03/2017
21 Carbone Hill Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4PJ 14/03/2017 04/04/2017 17/03/2017 27/03/2017
23 Carbone Hill Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4PJ 14/03/2017 04/04/2017 17/03/2017 27/03/2017
25 Carbone Hill Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4PN 14/03/2017 04/04/2017 17/03/2017 27/03/2017
4 Homewood Lane Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4PP 14/03/2017 04/04/2017 17/03/2017 27/03/2017
6 Homewood Lane Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4PP 14/03/2017 04/04/2017 17/03/2017 27/03/2017
48 The Ridgeway Cuffley Potters Bar EN6 4BA 14/03/2017 04/04/2017 17/03/2017 27/03/2017
Whitecote 13 Carbone Hill Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4PJ 14/03/2017 04/04/2017 17/03/2017 27/03/2017
Coverack 50 The Ridgeway Cuffley Potters Bar EN6 4BA 14/03/2017 04/04/2017 17/03/2017 27/03/2017
The Lodge Carbone House Carbone Hill Northaw Potters Bar EN6 4PL 14/03/2017 04/04/2017 17/03/2017 27/03/2017
Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2024/2237/VAR Variation of Condition 6 (Drawing numbers) on planning permission 6/2023/0677/FULL 0
6/2024/0607/FULL Erection of a dwelling house with detached double garage following the demolition of existing garage Granted 0
6/2023/0677/FULL Erection of a dwellinghouse Granted 0
6/2019/1833/TPO Reduce 2 x Oak trees by 20%-30% (T8 and T6) Granted 0
6/2019/0629/HOUSE Erection of boundary fence, hedge, brick piers and gates following the removal of existing fence and entrance gates Refused 0
6/2018/3158/HOUSE Erection of boundary fence, laurel hedge, brick piers and double gates following the removal of existing fence and entrance gates Granted 0
6/2018/2084/HOUSE Retrospective erection of garden store Granted
6/2017/2343/HOUSE Raised roof ridge and pitch and installation of dormer and 4x rooflights for loft conversion Granted
S6/2015/0331/FP Erection of single storey front extension Granted
S6/2014/2447/LUP Certificate of lawfulness for the proposed erection of a single storey side and two storey rear extension Granted
S6/2014/1982/FP Erection of single storey rear extension and new porch following demolition of existing sun room Granted
S6/2011/1670/LUP Erection of proposed swimming pool building Granted
S6/1993/0226/FP Alterations to elevations and new front porch (re-submission) Granted
S6/1992/0144/FP Extensions and alterations to existing dwelling; alterations to vehicular access Granted

There are no NMAs associated with this application