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Planning Application: 6/2016/0690/HOUSE


Decided - Granted

Mr T Allington

18 Barleycroft Road, Welwyn Garden City, AL8 6JU

Erection of single and two storey rear extensions and alterations



  • Handside

  • Councillor Gemma Moore
  • Councillor Michal Siewniak
  • Councillor Anthony Skottowe


Mr J Porter

Mr T Mythen

Wastell & Porter Architects Ltd Bancroft House 34 Bancroft Hitchin SG5 1LA

18 Barleycroft Road Welwyn Garden City AL8 6JU
Description Distance
Conservation Area 0.00
Estate Management WGC 0.00
Wards 0.00



If any documents do not appear to be shown below, please email including the case number. We will endeavour to publish any missing items within 10 working days.

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Select All File Description Date Uploaded
Application Form - Without Personal Information
ApplicationFormNoPersonalData.pdf (120 kb) Application Form - Without Personal Data 15/04/2016
02.pdf (110 kb) Existing Elevations & Sections 15/04/2016
PL02B.pdf (208 kb) Proposed elevations - PL02B 20/06/2016
Floor Plans
01C.pdf (136 kb) Existing Floor & Roof Plans 15/04/2016
PL01B.pdf (215 kb) Proposed floor plans- PL01B 20/06/2016
Location Plan
03.pdf (216 kb) Location Plan 15/04/2016
PL03A.pdf (218 kb) Proposed Location Plan 15/04/2016
Neighbour Representation - Without Personal Information
Comments on Planning App 18 BCR.docx (14 kb) Objection - 16 Barleycroft Road,WGC 23/05/2016
Comments.htm (3 kb) Objection - 16 Barleycroft Road,WGC 23/05/2016
plan_rl_25-05-2016_14-14-15_Redacted.pdf (5464 kb) Objection - 11 Barleycroft Road,WGC 25/05/2016
Officer Report
Delegated Report_620160690HOUSE(4).pdf (90 kb) Delegated Report 20/06/2016
Decision Notice
Decision Notice_620160690HOUSE(1).pdf (142 kb) Decision Notice PDF 21/06/2016
Design Report.pdf (52 kb) Design and Access Statement 15/04/2016
Site Notice
Site Notice_620160690HOUSE.pdf (95 kb) Site Notice 13/05/2016
Superseded Plans
PL01A.pdf (169 kb) Proposed Floor & Roof Plans 15/04/2016
PL02A.pdf (143 kb) Proposed Elevations & Sections 15/04/2016
Organisation Name Sent Reply Due Reply Received
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Fiona Thomson 03/05/2016 24/05/2016
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Fiona Thomson 21/06/2016
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Graham Dowler 03/05/2016 24/05/2016
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Helen Bromley 03/05/2016 24/05/2016
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Helen Bromley 21/06/2016
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Rachel Basch 21/06/2016
Address Date Sent Expiry Date Date Reconsulted Reconsult Expiry Date
11 Barleycroft Road Welwyn GArden City AL8 6JX
16 Barleycroft Road Welwyn Garden City AL8 6JU 03/05/2016 24/05/2016
2 Barleycroft Green Welwyn Garden City AL8 6JY 03/05/2016 24/05/2016
20 Barleycroft Road Welwyn Garden City AL8 6JU 03/05/2016 24/05/2016
15 Barn Close Welwyn Garden City AL8 6ST 03/05/2016 24/05/2016
Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2022/0997/EM proposed first floor rear extension above existing ground floor rear extension Granted 0
6/2022/1000/HOUSE Erection of first floor rear extension. Reduction in existing first floor rear window and insertion of first floor side window Granted 0
6/2021/2917/EM Installation of photovoltaic roof panels to the rear elevation and side flat roof, and erection of a single storey rear extension Granted 0
6/2020/3098/EMT Crown reduce 1 x Ash tree by 3-4m and remove deadwood Granted 0
6/2020/3093/TC 3-4m crown reduction - ash tree Remove deadwood No Objection 0
6/2020/2562/EMT 1 x Sycamore to lift branches over building by 2m to remove stem growing over privet hedge, lift limbs over rear boundary to 4.5m above ground level and 2 x secondary limbs over no 18 to remove Granted 0
6/2019/0693/EM Erection of single and two storey rear extensions, formation of driveway with alterations to openings Granted 0
6/2019/0717/HOUSE Erection of single and two storey rear extensions , formation of driveway with alterations to openings Granted 0
6/2019/0431/EM Erection of boundary fence measuring 6ft following removal of hedge Granted 0
6/2018/2867/TPO Fell 2 x Ash trees, cut 1 x Maple tree back to the boundary and reduce and shape 1 x Cherry tree by 20 % - Conservation Area No Objection
6/2018/2929/EM Fell 2 x ash trees Fell 1 x maple tree 1 x 30% reduction on cherry tree Granted
6/2018/0836/HOUSE Erection of a first floor rear extension Granted 0
6/2018/0830/EM Erection of a first floor rear extension Granted
6/2017/2770/EM Reduce 1 x Cherry tree by 2m height & width and 1 x Plum tree by 2m height & width - Conservation area Granted 0
6/2017/2780/TPO 1 x Cherry to reduce by 2m height & width, 1 x Plum to reduce by 2m height & width (Conservation Area) No Objection 0
6/2017/0200/ADV Installation of 32 x non-illuminated square metal signs measuring 15cm x 15cm at various locations in Welwyn Garden City Granted
6/2016/0713/EM Erection of single and two storey rear extensions and alterations Granted

There are no NMAs associated with this application