Consultee Comment for planning application 6/2017/0475/HOUSE

Lake View Leggatts Park Great North Road Little Heath Potters Bar EN6 1NZ
Erection of subterranean swimming pool complex with plant room and underground link access to house, following removal of Douglas Fir (T3) and Lime (T4) trees covered by TPO393
Case Officer

Landscapes Department
Type of Comment
My comments are very similar to 6/2016/2571/HOUSE. T8 (fir, T3 on TPO393) is clearly struggling and shows signs of decline in the crown. The removal of this tree is reasonable due to its failing health and proximity to the house. As this tree is protected with a TPO a replacement tree will be required. I have included a condition to cover its replacement. The new tree does not have to be planted in the exact location of the old one but must be to the western side of the site and on the northern half of the plot. The species does not need to be another fir but should be an evergreen conifer. Should the application be approved a tree protection plan will be required. The scale of the document should reflect the importance of the trees in the landscape and the size of the building works. I did have significant concerns over T9 (lime). This is not highlighted for removal and the Tree Report does not indicate any concerns over the structure of the tree. When I inspected the tree I found it to have extensive and advanced decay consistent with Kretzschmaria deusta. The spongy wood could be seen at the woodpecker hole at approximately 75cm on the north side of the stem. There were possible imperfect stage fruiting bodies on the south side of the stem. Much of the bark from ground level to 1m was delaminating. Irrespective of the planning application and for the safety of those who may venture around the house and grounds this tree should be removed and within the next few month. It is not clear if this particular tree is protected with the TPO. I would suggest though that there is sufficient space and therefore reasonable to plant another deciduous medium to large crowned, long lived tree in the grounds. TREE PLANTING CONDITION: One Pinus sp., Cedrus libani, Sequoiadendron sp. or Sequoia sp. (with a minimum rooting volume of 125l) shall be planted in a similar location in the next available planting season (November-February) in accordance with the British Standard 8545:2014 (Trees: from nursery to independence in the landscape ? Recommendations) following the works hereby approved. REASON: Replacement trees are required given the current amenity value of the tree(s) and consent is only given for the works because of the declining health of tree TPO393 T3 fir. ARBORICULTURAL CONDITION: A Tree Protection Plan and Arboricultural Method Statement shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and approved in writing before any works commence on site, including demolition. These documents should comply with BS5837:2012 (Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction - Recommendations) or state why they do not. The statement must include: a) a plan showing the areas of on-site trees, or parts of trees growing from adjacent sites, to be protected and fencing in accordance with the relevant British Standard and to identify areas where no chemical or materials or equipment shall be stored, mixed or prepared, no fires or site washings, within the RPA of the tree or under the canopy spread whichever is the greater b) specify any other means needed to ensure that all of the trees to be retained will not be harmed during the development, including by damage to their root system, directly or indirectly. c) confirm that no excavations for services, storage of materials or machinery, parking of vehicles, deposit or excavation of soil or rubble, lighting of fires or disposal of liquids shall not take place within any area designated as being fenced off or otherwise protected in the approved scheme. d) explain how the protection will be implemented, including responsibility for site supervision and control. The development shall be carried out only in accordance with the approved documents, unless the Local Planning Authority has given prior written consent to any variation. Trees on or adjacent to the site must be protected in accordance with the agreed statement throughout the period of development. The fencing or other works which are part of the approved Tree Protection Plan shall not be moved or removed, temporarily or otherwise, until all works including external works have been completed and all equipment, machinery and surplus materials have been removed from the site, unless the prior approval of the Local Planning Authority has first been sought and obtained. Miriam Hill Tree Officer
Received Date