Comment for planning application 6/2015/1741/FULL

125 The Ridgeway, Northaw, Potters Bar, EN6 4BG
Demolition of existing single storey dwelling and replacement with single storey dwelling (with basement)
Case Officer

121 The Ridgeway,Northaw,EN6 4BG
Type of Comment
The design and appearance is not in keeping with existing houses adjoining and nearby and out of character with the area. Secondly and importantly the application is for a single storey building with basement. This will involve significant soil removal from the site to accommodate this lower ground floor. The lorry movements and disruption to local residents will be substantual. The site is accessed by a narrow service road onto a relatively narrow plot - caused by the applicant splitting it a number of years ago. If the narrowness of the plot is an issue, it is one created by his own actions. Lorries will find great difficulty avoiding the grass verge opposite and serious damage is likely. I thus object to this application in its present form.
Received Date
Attachments 07/10/2015 11:40:16