Consultee Comment for planning application 6/2017/0256/HOUSE

10 Hill Rise Cuffley Potters Bar EN6 4EE
Erection of brick wall and gate in front garden following the removal of existing timber fence
Case Officer

Landscapes Department
Type of Comment
Arboriculturally: Although there is an ash tree in the adjacent front garden, I have no concerns over the proposal and the tree. The wall will encroach significantly into the root protection area of the tree but the tree has a reduced amenity value. The applicant should be aware that severing roots can destabilise the tree and increase the likelihood of failure. Soft landscape: There is no soft landscaping mitigation. No other front boundary in the road has a wall. This boundary is going to look very prominent in the streetsceene and will create disharmony. Miriam Hill Tree Officer
Received Date