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Appeal: S6/1991/0917/FP

Planning Appeal

Wells Farm Northaw Road East Cuffley Potters Bar EN6 4RD

Change of use of land and buildings to nursery garden centre

Written Representations

Mr D J Aker Wells Farm

David Cooper

Cuffley, Herts EN

23 Willow Road Middx EN1 3NG

Northaw and Cuffley

Organisation Name Sent Reply Due Reply Received
Hertfordshire County Council (CLA) Children Looked After
London Borough of Enfield Borough Planning Officer
EDF Energy (Potters Bar) EDF Energy (Potters Bar)
Environment Agency Natasha Smith
Thames Water, Development Control Nicky McHugh
Address Date Notified
Clerk Northaw & Cuffley Parish Council; 1 & 2 Waterwo
Cottages; 1,25,27,37,39,41,43 Colesdale; Colesdale Farm, Colesdale Farmhouse
Obs; Northaw & Cuffley Res Ass, 1 Colesdale

Appeal Dismissed

There are no documents associated with this appeal

Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
S6/1991/0917/FP Change of use of land and buildings to nursery garden centre Refused