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Appeal: S6/1990/0459/OP

Planning Appeal

33 Pine Grove, Brookmans Park, Hatfield, AL9 7BP

Outline application for the erection of one detached house and garage

Written Representations

White Custodian Trustees Russell Cooke Pott

Freeth Melhuish

2 Putney Hill

24 Holywell Hill Herts

North Mymms

Brookmans Park & Little Heath

There are no consultees associated with this appeal

Address Date Notified
31,35,34,36,38 & 40 Pine Grove.
OBS: 31 & 35 Pine Grove & Freeth Melhuish, 24 Hollywell Hill, St Albans

Appeal Dismissed

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Appeal Decision(s)
plan_bf_01-02-2016_10-18-14.pdf (647 kb) plan_bf_01-02-2016_10-18-14.pdf 03/02/2016
Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2024/0489/TPO Crown reduction of 2-3m on northeastern side, to approximately in line with the patio. Crown thin of entire canopy by 25%. Lift to 4m agl on southwestern side. This work will reduce the amount of debris falling on the patio. Granted 0
S6/1990/0459/OP Outline application for the erection of one detached house and garage Refused