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Appeal: 6/2021/1527/HOUSE
Householder Appeal
22 Rooks Hill Welwyn Garden City AL8 6ET
Erection of part two-storey extension to rear with a garage conversion.
Written Representations
Mr & Mrs Meer
Amarjeet Gill
22 Rooks Hill
Welwyn Garden City
14 Old Rectory Drive
AL10 8AF
Organisation | Name | Sent | Reply Due | Reply Received |
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council | Councillor Anthony Dennis | 17/11/2021 | 22/12/2021 | |
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council | Councillor Fiona Thomson | 17/11/2021 | 22/12/2021 | |
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council | Councillor Siobhan Elam | 17/11/2021 | 22/12/2021 |
Address | Date Notified |
18 Rooks Hill Welwyn Garden City AL8 6ET | |
19 Rooks Hill Welwyn Garden City AL8 6EU | |
20 Rooks Hill Welwyn Garden City AL8 6ET | |
21 Rooks Hill Welwyn Garden City AL8 6EU | |
23 Rooks Hill Welwyn Garden City AL8 6EU | |
Stadium Service Station Stanborough Road Welwyn Garden City AL8 6XA | |
24 Rooks Hill Welwyn Garden City AL8 6ET | |
42 Rooks Hill Welwyn Garden City AL8 6ET | |
44 Rooks Hill Welwyn Garden City AL8 6ET | |
46 Rooks Hill Welwyn Garden City AL8 6ET | |
48 Rooks Hill Welwyn Garden City AL8 6ET | |
50 Rooks Hill Welwyn Garden City AL8 6ET | |
52 Rooks Hill Welwyn Garden City AL8 6ET | |
1 Rooks Hill Welwyn Garden City AL8 6EU |
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Select All | File | Description | Date Uploaded |
Appeal Decision | |||
Appeal Decision 3282852.pdf (94 kb) | Appeal decision | 25/03/2022 | |
Appeal Grounds | |||
2021_1527_House -01 APPEAL FORM - 703861.pdf (54 kb) | Appeal Form | 15/09/2021 |
Application Number | Proposal | Decision | Distance |
6/2025/0258/TC | The tree to be felled is in the south-west corner of the garden and is considered to be dead and a danger if it fell, to both this property and the neighbours. Labelled as 'UNKN 8m (DEAD)' on drawing 3698 PL01B.pdf | No Objection | 0 |
6/2025/0108/TC | Ash tree in the south-west corner of the garden Considered to be dead and a dangerous to both this property and the neighbours Labelled 'Ash 10m' on drawing 3698 PL01A.pdf | Refused | 0 |
6/2024/2065/HOUSE | Erection of first floor rear extension, enlargement of garage and roof height increase, single storey extension to rear of garage and changes to fenestration. | Granted | 0 |
6/2023/1726/FULL | Replacement of existing timber double glazed windows with UPVC double glazing | Granted | 0 |
6/2023/1725/EM | Replacement of existing timber double glazed windows with UPVC double glazing | Granted | 0 |
6/2023/0316/EM | Retention of windows replaced before resident purchased property | Granted | 0 |
6/2021/1527/HOUSE | Erection of part two-storey extension to rear with a garage conversion. | Refused |