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Appeal: 6/2019/2696/HOUSE

Planning Appeal


5 Bell Lane Brookmans Park Hatfield AL9 7AY

Erection of front porch, front and rear (infill) dormers, re-positioning of rear dormer, increase in height of existing rear projection and alterations to openings

Written Representations

Mr & Mrs J Livermore

Mr P Koscien

5 Bell Lane Brookmans Park Hatfield AL9 7AY

21 First Avenue Acton London W3 7JP

North Mymms

Brookmans Park & Little Heath

Organisation Name Sent Reply Due Reply Received
North Mymms Parish Council Christine Wootton 20/02/2020 26/03/2020
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Jonathan Boulton 20/02/2020 26/03/2020
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Rebecca Lass 20/02/2020 26/03/2020
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Stephen Boulton 20/02/2020 26/03/2020
Hertfordshire County Council Historic Environment Advisor 20/02/2020 26/03/2020
Hertfordshire Ecology Martin Hicks 20/02/2020 26/03/2020
Cadent Gas Limited Mr S Carter 20/02/2020 26/03/2020
Address Date Notified
6 Bell Lane Brookmans Park Hatfield AL9 7AY
8 Bell Lane Brookmans Park Hatfield AL9 7AY
Bell Bar Pet Farm Bell Lane Brookmans Park Hatfield AL9 7AY
14 Bell Lane Brookmans Park Hatfield AL9 7AY
Lower Farm 2 Bell Lane Brookmans Park Hatfield AL9 7AY
Nolita Great North Road Brookmans Park Hatfield AL9 6NA
Old Coach Stations Great North Road Brookmans Park Hatfield AL9 6NA
The Cock O The North Great North Road Brookmans Park Hatfield AL9 6NA

Appeal Allowed

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Select All File Description Date Uploaded
Appeal Decision
APPEAL DECISION 3245949.pdf (113 kb) APPEAL DECISION 3245949.pdf 25/11/2020
Appeal Grounds
GROUNDS OF APPEAL 5 BELL LANE (JANUARY 2020)).pdf (471 kb) Grounds of Appeal 20/02/2020
Planning Inspectorate Correspondence
Start letter (AR13) - Emma Graham - 20 Feb 2020.pdf (41 kb) Start letter 20/02/2020
Questionnaire - Council
QUESTIONNAIRE - 529979.pdf (113 kb) Questionnaire 27/02/2020
Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2019/2696/HOUSE Erection of front porch, front and rear (infill) dormers, re-positioning of rear dormer, increase in height of existing rear projection and alterations to openings Not determined as appeal against non-determination