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Appeal: 6/2018/1959/FULL

Planning Appeal


30 Astwick Avenue Hatfield AL10 9LA

Retention of change of use from summerhouse to single residential dwelling

Written Representations

Mr I Mitchell

David Barnard

1 Cherrycroft Sandy SG191BD

4 Barber Close London H21 1BE


Hatfield Villages

Organisation Name Sent Reply Due Reply Received
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Duncan Bell 01/04/2019 30/04/2019
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Samuel Kasumu 01/04/2019 30/04/2019
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Tara-Mary Lyons 01/04/2019 30/04/2019
Hatfield Town Council Jonah Anthony 01/04/2019 30/04/2019
Address Date Notified
28 Astwick Avenue Hatfield AL10 9LA
32 Astwick Avenue Hatfield AL10 9LA
Green Lanes Primary School Green Lanes Hatfield AL10 9JY
23 Astwick Avenue Hatfield AL10 9LB
25 Astwick Avenue Hatfield AL10 9LB
18 Astwick Avenue Hatfield AL10 9LA
34 Astwick Avenue Hatfield AL10 9LA
34 Astwick Avenue Hatfield AL10 9LA

Appeal Dismissed

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Appeal Decision
Appeal Decision - 3218329.pdf (115 kb) Appeal Decision 28/06/2019
Appeal Grounds
01 FULL STATEMENT OF CASE - 390751 - 30 Astwick avenue Hatfield AL10 9LA.pdf (21 kb) Grounds of Appeal 26/03/2019
LOCATION PLAN.pdf (30 kb) Location Plan 26/03/2019
BLOCK PLAN.pdf (67 kb) Block Plan 26/03/2019
FLOOR PLAN AND ELEVATIONS updated .pdf (993 kb) Floor Plan & Elevations 26/03/2019
Decision Notice_620181959FULL(1).pdf (21 kb) Planning Decision Notice 26/03/2019
Questionnaire - Council
QUESTIONNAIRE - 424899.pdf (113 kb) Questionnaire 02/04/2019
Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
ENF/2017/0161 Retention of change of use from summerhouse to single residential dwelling Appeal Dismissed
6/2018/1959/FULL Retention of change of use from summerhouse to single residential dwelling Refused