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Appeal: 6/2017/0725/HOUSE

Householder Appeal


1 Longcroft Lane Welwyn Garden City AL8 6EB

Erection of first floor side extension

Fast Track

Mr & Mrs Stringer

Mr & Mrs Stringer

1 Longcroft Lane Welwyn Garden City AL8 6EB

1 Longcroft Lane Welwyn Garden City AL8 6EB


Organisation Name Sent Reply Due Reply Received
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Fiona Thomson 07/11/2017 12/12/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Helen Bromley 07/11/2017 12/12/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Malcolm Cowan 07/11/2017 12/12/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Rachel Basch 07/11/2017 12/12/2017
Address Date Notified
10 Longcroft Lane Welwyn Garden City AL8 6EA
12 Longcroft Lane Welwyn Garden City AL8 6EA
14 Longcroft Lane Welwyn Garden City AL8 6EA
3 Longcroft Lane Welwyn Garden City AL8 6EB
5 Longcroft Lane Welwyn Garden City AL8 6EB
6 Longcroft Lane Welwyn Garden City AL8 6EA
7 Longcroft Lane Welwyn Garden City AL8 6EB
8 Longcroft Lane Welwyn Garden City Hertfordshire AL8 6EA

Appeal Allowed with Conditions

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Select All File Description Date Uploaded
Appeal Grounds
Grounds of Appeal(1).pdf (3052 kb) Grounds of Appeal 08/11/2017
Appeal Appendix_1(1).pdf (7256 kb) Appendix 1 08/11/2017
Appeal Appendix_2(1).pdf (3068 kb) Appendix 2 08/11/2017
Appeal_Appendix_3(1).pdf (496 kb) Appendix 3 08/11/2017
Appeal_Appendix_4(1).pdf (169 kb) Appendix 4 08/11/2017
Appeal Appendix_5(1).pdf (4007 kb) Appendix 5 08/11/2017
Decision Notice
Final Decision.pdf (94 kb) Decision Notice PDF 08/02/2018
Questionnaire - Council
QUESTIONNAIRE - 269642.pdf (51 kb) QUESTIONNAIRE 14/11/2017
Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2017/0725/HOUSE Erection of first floor side extension Refused