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Appeal: 6/2016/1024/HOUSE

Planning Appeal


Dimsdale House, Essendon Place, High Road, Essendon, Hatfield, AL9 6GZ

Erection of glass front porch

Written Representations

Mrs C Evans

Mrs G Davidson

Dimsdale House Essendon Place High Road Essendon Hatfield AL9 6GZ

Portland Planning Manor Cottage The Street Brundish Woodbridge IP13 8BL


Brookmans Park & Little Heath

Organisation Name Sent Reply Due Reply Received
WHBC - Conservation Andrew Robley 27/03/2017 26/04/2017 02/08/2016
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor John Dean 27/03/2017 26/04/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Jonathan Boulton 27/03/2017 26/04/2017
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Stephen Boulton 27/03/2017 26/04/2017
Essendon Parish Council Ms D Daniell 27/03/2017 26/04/2017 21/06/2016
Address Date Notified
Cedar House Essendon Place Essendon AL9 6GZ
Mulberry House Essendon Place High Road Essendon Hatfield AL9 6GZ
Salisbury House Essendon Place High Road Essendon Hatfield AL9 6GZ
Somerset House Essendon Place High Road Essendon Hatfield AL9 6GZ
Essendon Village Hall School Lane Essendon Hertfordshire AL9 6HD

Appeal Dismissed

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Select All File Description Date Uploaded
Appeal Decision(s)
3162386 and 3162385 appeal decisions.pdf (114 kb) Appeal Decision 13/06/2017
Appeal Grounds
01 GROUNDS OF APPEAL - appeal statement.pdf (786 kb) GROUNDS OF APPEAL - appeal statement.pdf 22/03/2017
Appeal Statement - Appellant
Appellants Final Comments.pdf (350 kb) Final Comments 11/05/2017
Planning Inspectorate Correspondence
01 APPEAL FORM - 156015.pdf (52 kb) Notification of Appeal APPEAL FORM - 156015.pdf 03/11/2016
Email-Notification of Appeal APP C1950 D 16 3162386.pdf (9 kb) Notification of Appeal APP C1950 D 16 3162386 03/11/2016
211B - Case Officer - Andrew Windscheffel - 12 Dec 2016.pdf (34 kb) Appeal valid letter - 12 Dec 2016.pdf 12/12/2016
Start letter (AR13) - Andrew Windscheffel - 22 Mar 2017.pdf (41 kb) Start letter (AR13) - Andrew Windscheffel - 22 Mar 2017.pdf 22/03/2017
Questionnaire - Council
QUESTIONNAIRE - 198738.pdf (111 kb) QUESTIONNAIRE .pdf 30/03/2017
Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2016/1024/HOUSE Erection of glass front porch Refused