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Appeal: 6/2016/0610/HOUSE

Householder Appeal


18 Georges Wood Road Brookmans Park Hatfield AL9 7BT

Erection of two storey front, two storey side and single storey rear extensions, incorporating three dormers to the front and four dormers to the rear

Fast Track

Mr F Safaoglu

Mr Martin Gaine

72 Gloucester Gardens Cockfosters EN4 0QP

Just Planning Unit 822 19-21 Crawford Street London W1H 1PJ

North Mymms

Brookmans Park & Little Heath

Mr S Dicocco

Organisation Name Sent Reply Due Reply Received
North Mymms Parish Council Christine Wootton 28/11/2016 28/12/2016
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor John Dean 28/11/2016 28/12/2016
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Jonathan Boulton 28/11/2016 28/12/2016
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Councillor Stephen Boulton 28/11/2016 28/12/2016
Address Date Notified
20 Georges Wood Road Brookmans Park Hatfield AL9 7BT
1 Pine Grove Brookmans Park Hatfield AL9 7BP
15A Georges Wood Road Brookmans Park Hatfield AL9 7BY
17 Georges Wood Road Brookmans Park Hatfield AL9 7BY
16 Georges Wood Road Brookmans Park Hatfield AL9 7BT

Appeal Allowed with Conditions

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Application Documents
01 APPEAL FORM - 148752.pdf (92 kb) Notification of Appeal APPEAL FORM - 148752.pdf 24/11/2016
Appeal Decision(s)
APPEAL DECISION 3160373.pdf (127 kb) Appeal Decision 13/01/2017
Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
6/2016/0610/HOUSE Erection of two storey front, two storey side and single storey rear extensions, incorporating three dormers to the front and four dormers to the rear Refused