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Appeal: 1989/0088

Enforcement Appeal


26-28 Town Centre Hatfield AL10 0LD

The breach of planning control alleged is the said Land has been developed by the carrying out thereon of building operations namely the demolition of brick wall to the rear of the Building and facing Wellfield Road car park building operation works in connection with the wholesale warehouse development including the erecting of a rear shop front and rear entrance doors and windows without the grant of planning permission.

Written Representations

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Notice Varied

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Application Number Proposal Decision Distance
1989/0088 The breach of planning control alleged is the said Land has been developed by the carrying out thereon of building operations namely the demolition of brick wall to the rear of the Building and facing Wellfield Road car park building operation works in connection with the wholesale warehouse development including the erecting of a rear shop front and rear entrance doors and windows without the grant of planning permission. Notice issued